

Shivam Awasthi


The Sri Pujaniya Siddhi Ma Shrine

and Memorial Garden 

at the 

Sri Neem Karoli Baba Taos Ashram



While She usually referred to Herself as an ordinary woman, those close to Sri Ma knew She was anything but ordinary.

She embodied the highest spiritual attainments, having thorough mastery over subtle planes while conveying a deep human

compassion and love that elicited spontaneous tears and surrender in those who were in Her presence. 


     Her service and devotion to Maharaj-ji were utterly exemplary -

She lived Him, breathed Him, embodied and radiated His Shakti;

Her life was evidence of complete devotion to His teachings to love, feed, and serve all.

She was empowered by Him to serve at the highest possible level; those who came in contact with Her had their cares and burdens removed from their shoulders and were effortlessly and immediately uplifted into a state of spiritual bliss. 

     After Sri Maharaj-ji’s mahasamadhi, Mother guided the growth and running of His ashrams with profound determination

and total devotion. The Taos ashram and mandir were developed to a large extent under Her guidance. 

We are graced to have a simple shrine and memorial garden built to honor Her on the premises.



Construction has at last begun on Sri Pujaniya Siddhi Ma’s shrine.

The shrine to Mother will be a small octagon shaped structure designed to fit in with the local

northern New Mexico style of building and the other ashram buildings. 

The interior of the shrine will have a small altar upon which

Sri Ma’s Feet resting inside a lotus, carved in beautiful rose quartz, will be installed.

There will be a central large photo of Sri Siddhi Ma with a photo of Maharaj-ji and Jivanti Ma on either side.

Sri Ma’s shrine will be located at the west end of the pond with the entry facing east, with a view of the mandir.

The pond itself is where the ashram has already begun installing the landscaping for Sri Siddhi Ma’s memorial garden.

When the shrine and garden are complete, there will be paths that circumambulate the pond with

beautiful plantings of flowers, shrubs and trees all along the paths and around the pond.

Construction will proceed as the funds are available with the hope that it will be complete in the spring of 2024.

The ashram has budgeted up to $100,000 for the shrine’s construction and interior finishes.

For more information, please contact Hanuman das at [email protected].

All by Maharaj/Ma’s Grace

Jai Guru Dev! Jai Ma! Jai Sri Ram! Jai Hanuman!

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